Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What's Kelly Ripa Got That I Haven't Got? Want To Join My Pity Party?

In my quest to "MAKE IT BIG" (or at least somewhat bigger)...I started thinking, "how come some MOMMIES have so much advantage over me?"
For comparison, I chose Kelly Ripa...just because:

  • Maybe it's the years of experience in "Soap Opera" Land?
  • Maybe it's the brands (such as Electrolux) that "BACK" her?
  • Maybe it's her adorable, perfect, hours of being toned body?
  • Maybe it's her outgoing, cheerfully perceived personality?
  • Maybe it's because she has an awesome agent pushing for her?
  • Maybe it's because I need a cool co-host like Regis to launch a show?
  • Maybe I don't do enough for the community?
  • Maybe it's because I don't have a nanny to watch my kids so I can network more often?
  • Maybe it's because I simply am a "STAY AT HOME MOMMY" and that's what I'll always be?
Guess that's not such a bad thing, right?
I'm blessed to be able to do what I do!

But honestly, somedays I have dreams of so much more than that.  I find my job as a mommy super fulfilling and gratifying (I would not re-do the last ten years of mommy hood)...but I honestly feel that I could be entertaining other mommies with funny stories, encouraging them with "parenting knowledge" hence far, promoting brands that I love and believe in, and of course, making a paycheck to put in the bank, to send my kids to college and help pay for weddings someday. 
What do you think?  Have you ever thought about this before?  I mean...Kelly Ripa is just another person, another mommy, another wife...and yet she's been able to succeed in her career as well.  I guess I want to "KNOW HER SECRET TO SUCCESS"!
Anyone have any pointers?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!