Thursday, September 15, 2011

Well I know what I'll be doing for the rest of this evening.

It just arrived at my front door a few minutes ago from Crown Publishing courtesy of Fed Ex.

And yes I peeked at chapter nineteen and it does indeed address babygate.

Update: I am barely into Chapter One and I am already reading about Todd bullying somebody.

It is Catherine Taylor the lady who rented Joe the house next door to the Palins for that summer.

I met Catherine at the house when Joe first moved in. She was very, very sweet.

Before she even knew who I was she leaned in close and said "You know what? I don't think she had that baby."

That made Joe laugh uproariously and he said  to her, "Do you know who you are talking to?

After we explained who I was she offered to sit down for an interview with me, but something made her get cold feet and it never happened. That is too bad, I imagine she had tons of information that I would have loved to post.

The fact that Todd bullied her pisses me off!