Buenos Aires (CNN) - A collision between a bus, cement truck and a pre-metro (lightrail) train injured 90 people on Thursday during morning rush hour traffic in Buenos Aires, according to police. The accident occurred just two days after a crash between a two passenger trains and a bus killed 11 people and injured more than 200 in the Argentine capital. Police are investigating the cause of both accidents. In the first accident, the bus got halfway across the first track before an oncoming passenger train crushed it against a concrete station platform. The bus driver was among those killed, and 212 were injured, a hospital official said. Trains spokesman Gustavo Gago blames the bus driver for ignoring flashing lights and a ringing bell warning of the oncoming train.
In the second accident, 90 people were in injured in the collision, which occurred in the Buenos Aires suburb of Flores. “It appears that the traffic lights were working correctly. The bus was stopped when the pre-metro collided with it from behind and slammed it into the cement truck,” spokesman for the Argentine Federal Police, said. Officials said they were investigating whether the bus was wrongly stopped on the tracks of the pre-metro. The Buenos Aires pre-metro is an above-ground tram system that connects to underground subway lines. “Most of the injuries are minor and we expect most people will be released quickly from the hospital and return home or to their jobs,” said authorities.
A bus driver gambled and tried to rush across railroad tracks Tuesday despite a barrier, bells and flashing lights, setting off a chain-reaction collision with two trains that killed 11 people and injured hundreds in Buenos Aires. Today, a bus, a cement truck and a light-rail train collided during rush hour in the Argentina’s capital. In this big South American city 440 people and 165 vehicles were hit by trains last year, causing a total of 269 deaths. Nothing happens without a cause. Facing other people sufferings, we should develop compassion, which help to overcome our selfish ego.
Real compassion and love is to educate people to collectively love one another and live in harmony with the laws of nature and God. According to the scriptures human being should be Bharat Dukha Dukhi . This means that the suffering of others is the suffering of ours. We should feel the pains and willing to make sacrifices to help others physically, emotionally as well as spiritually. According to the scriptures there are three types of miseries - Those caused by one’s own body and mind; sufferings caused by others; sufferings caused by natural disturbances. In the world today there is such wide spread disregard to our mother Earth and to the laws of morality. It is Nature’s law that sufferings will come upon human society. The most important cure to this problem is to help people to clean the ecology of their hearts through living moral lives, prayer and chanting God’s name.