Thursday, September 1, 2011

TV Patrol: Anchors links to politics; Peddling cheap shots; sounding almost like pontificating


It didn’t surprise your Chair Wrecker that 24 ORAS of GMA Network had out rated TV Patrol of ABS-CBN in the recent August Mega Manila ratings poll. TV Patrol has been dishing a lot of cheap shots lately that could turn off a lot of viewers.

This questionable feature on TV Patrol is that text poll that they’re running every episode — a poll that the network admits isn’t scientific. The TV Patrol poll cannot claim to represent the national sentiment. You don’t need to be a genius to forecast who’ll end up the winner and the loser, the good guy and the bad guy and the hero and the heel in those TV Patrol polls. You’ll wonder if there’s a hidden agenda somewhere. In some instances, the news report preceding the poll question appears slanted to condition the public how to vote.

No doubt, the ABS-CBN management had banked on the popularity of Noli de Castro, Korina Sanchez and Ted Failon when they revamped the news program and injected the three veterans as anchors. A veteran Advertising Media Analyst thinks that the network may have overlooked a common denominator that their three anchors share which could be eroding their credibility. Noli, Korina and Ted are all associated or have been associated with politics. Noli and Ted have been elected public officials while Korina is married to a politician.

The same Advertising Media Analyst also noted a difference between 24 ORAS and TV Patrol reporting. Per our resource person, TV Patrol is sounding almost like pontificating instead of just telling it like it is. You see none of that in 24 ORAS. There is also too much of this “patting ABS-CBN in the back” in TV Patrol. The news managers of ABS-CBN may not be noticing these but the viewers do.

Cheap shots that proliferate in media, especially radio and television, have led the public mind to think the wrong way. In the more developed countries, media would challenge and question the assertions of persons that are deemed untruthful or slanted. Untruthful and obviously slanted assertions are hardly challenged here and that leads the public to believe the lies and half-truths. 

To divert public attention from the many atrocities committed during her term that are now emerging, the Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) camp has resorted to appealing to emotions. Why is this not being challenged?

Information Courtesy of Phil Star / AS I WRECK THIS CHAIR By William M. Esposo
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