Thursday, September 1, 2011


Well intentioned people keep telling me to up and leave the US, and to start a new life.

What would my Lady, Ann Coulter call that?  (Her name is etched within my heart, in Gold BTW)

I bet Ann Coulter would call leaving the USA because of my student loan debt nothing short of cowardice, and running away, and I would feel like a real heel if she ever took anything badly of me (Sigh!)

Did I mention Ann Coulter's big, beautiful, baby blues yet?

Anyway, and besides, my family is here. I have a large and loving family, and I love them as well, although I'm not saying we is all like perfect like, uh,  the Waltons or nuttin' like that, but still....

I missed out on having children, but I have nieces and nephews that I am close to.

I have a brother, and we play and write music together.

And lastly, and for all intensive porpoises (Very serious minded dolphins) America is my home.

There has to be a solution to the rut I am in, and that I keep blogging about.

There has to be, and I just haven't thought of it yet. But like Ms. O'hara says: Tomorrow is another day.

And no, I ain't drinkin beer, and feel a helluva lot better.

I already posted some sad Irish songs about leaving home, and maybe I'll post them again here.

I just gotta stop feeling sad in general maybe.

And I got a lot of stories to finish up. You know, the one about the obsequious store clerk, and the one about the painter I worked with that played football for the toughest football league in the USA (The Prison league). And the Juggler who was heckled to death, and died of a broken heart, and Skippy the Skeleton, and Patrick the Patriot Missle that couldn't whistle, but ended up saving the day (No missles were harmed in the making of the story by the way)

And Hey! read the Law Professor's blog too youse all. (Inside The Law School Scam)

The blog is on my bloglist to the right.

And now, me and Shane are going to sleep like babies (with no beer) and my mood always picks up when I lay off , and I look and feel much better.

So Good Night to youse all.

And remember, Halloween is a comin!

Happy Birthday to you
The Monsters Get you!
They get you when your sleeping,
Happy Birthday to you!

