Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday's Person Worth Stalking: Cher

I've devoted Thursdays to random people who have captured my attention. It could be someone who makes me giggle, who makes me sigh, who makes me cry, who inspires me, or who acts as my inexplicable muse. Hold on to your seats, tongue-in-cheek-fans, because this could be a very bumpy ride.

This Thursday's person?


Yes, that Cher.

I've been obsessing over Cher my entire life. When I was a kid, my mother scoffed as Cher pranced around in her sailor cap and butt floss, but I was intrigued! What boldness she had! How confident she was! I grew up with a deep respect for Cher, hoping I would have the opportunity to slap a man across the face and yell, Snap out of it! (Yes, I did. Once. But it was at a keg party int he woods, and the boy wasn't a freakish, wooden handed Nick Cage. He was a tool. No, really.) The older, paler, and painfully not ethic looking what-so-ever I looked...the more I obsessed over Cher's exotic look.

But most recently...while writing my current WIP. I'm honestly not sure why, and I'm honestly not sure how, but Cher is influencing my work in a big way, and the results have been phenomenal! It all started one night when I was watching the movie "Mermaids" for the 458th time, and my current WIP just flowed....

Now, there are no beaded headdresses, no thongs, no long black hair and Bob Mackie costumes in this book...but Cher music is ALWAYS on while I write this current book. Always.

And if she's not, I have to go to (Haven't heard of it? Well, crawl out from under the rock you're under and check it out. I freakin' love!) I've got my Cher station all set up and ready to rock.


I have no idea. Because I'm mental, I suppose.

If this current WIP goes to print, I will thank Cher in my acknowledgments, and send her a signed copy. I will probably wind up in a slush pile of love letters from her gays, but I don't care. I will rally with them, in honor of Cher. These men are on to something, and I want in on it!

Some of my favorite Cher pictures:

Some of my favorite Cher movies:

Some of my favorite Cher songs: If I Could Turn Back Time Walkin' In Memphis Just Like Jesse James

Okay, okay, enough. I get it. I'm being weird. But I tell you, this book is inspired. By the one and only.

Thanks, Cher.

Brooke Moss.

P.S. What is your most memorable Cher moment? Everyone has one. Duh.