Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I think people ought to see this.

My take is that Dwyer, like Madam Butterfly, did what he had to do.

He lived his life and dealt with the reality of his circumstances.

And he sure put on one helluva show! Didn't he?

Still though, some lives, like mine, admit or allow for no other option than what Mr. Dwyer did here.

Student Loan debt, as it stands now, admits for no other option.

By the time the Student Lending system does finally stop the bleeding, it will be far, far too late for the likes of me.

And..........anyway....that is my historical destiny..............and.............


Professor Campos, and all of his commenters, are living in la la land.


When cornered, an animal (not a human being) will do most anything.

And that is what we are to the banks.




Little Jack Horner
Backed into a corner

He moans and he groans about student loans
And compounded interest,
(It just made them bigger )  J

There’s no jobs in Law, 
(or outside of Law)
So he’s stuffing his maw.....
with a smelly Benelli
......go figure?

Oh! that Nasty old blastey ol’shotgun!
With the squiggly, wiggly toes on the trigger  N

You silly old billy old boy!
EVERYONE knows a guns not a toy, but….

messy, messy, mop it up.
messy, messy,
mop………. up

(Dedicated to Touro Law School)

Three Cheers For The Cosmic Lady!

Three Cheers For the Cosmic Lady!
hanging from a tree.
She went to Law School,
like a Damn Fool,
but now at least she's Free.

Three Cheers For The Cosmic Girl!
We knew she'd travel far
The first one in her family
to ever pass the Bar!

Three Cheers For the Cosmic Daughter!
Ne'er did she give up hope.
She found enjoyment, good employment
with Daddy's nylon rope

Three Cheers For the Cosmic Lady!
She flew so well through Space.
May God have Mercy on her Soul
and grant eternal Grace.

But see her eyes! they look so frightening
in the red light of the moon.
What made the Lady so upset
to end her life so soon?

Some said: "Life is just unkind,
and that it sore distressed her mind."
But Some say it was greed and Gold
*(For t'was to Lordy she'd been sold.)

"It's not our fault she's hanging there,"
So said the Law School Dean.
"There's figures, stats, and rows and lines,
she should have read between!"

Three Cheers For The Cosmic Gal!
but..... just go cut her down.
The Mayor said it will not do,
to have this in Our Town.

And Three Cheers For The Cosmic Kid!
A pearl's upon her breast.
She's out of Debt, and Beautiful;
and finally at rest.

So it's Three Cheers For the Cosmic Lady!
She's up there with the Stars,
where Cherubs spin melodious Spheres
and Seraphs play Guitars.

Three Cheers, For The Cosmic Lady!
Three Cheers, For The Cosmic Lady!
Three Cheers!

For The Cosmic Lady!

                                                        JD Pitty-Party Painter III
                                                        Bron-Y-Aur Cottage, Hoboken, WInter, 2011

* Al Lord of Sallie Mae

Depicted above is the first female Cosmonaut or "Cosmic" Lady.

*To me this poem is a sort of cross between Kipling's "Danny Deever", Edgar Alan Poe's Israfel and Conqueror Worm (the mood) and a David Bowie song. The three cheers ingredient I guess because I was thinking about the contrast between the Pomp and Circumstance of Graduation, and the deep depths of depression resulting from Crushing lifetime debt, and no employment.

The traveling through space element is of course a preposterous mockery. Going far in life (shooting for the stars) as compared to the reality of having only traveled the distance or "space"  between a tree limb and the end of a rope.

Anyway, that's my take on it.