Thursday, September 15, 2011

o'arrogant - No longer any doubt how politicians feel (By Mychal Massie)

From: Mychal Massie  Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 Subject: No longer any doubt how politicians feel
      This morning on the Craig Henne radio show, I said the one thing we can thank Obama for is that he has been so insufferably and demonstrably, narcissistic and belligerent.  Because, by believing he was above criticism, his arrogance awakened a long slumbering giant - the American people.
     But, of even more dramatic transparency, his condescending and belligerent behavior toward the Americans gave license to other elected so-called representatives to step from under their veneer of civility - and show themselves, and their party, for what they are. 
     Before Obama they would not have dared do so, but with him setting the example, these people now see no reason to pretend.  Henry Waxman, the liberal Democrat from California, openly blamed money-grubbing Jews as voting for a Republican to replace Democrat Anthony Weiner, in NY9, because "they want to protect their wealth, which is why a lot of well-off [Jews] vote for Republicans."
     Team Mychal Massie.
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