First she delighted Team Lauren fans by saying she strategically placed herself between Anna Silk (Bo) and Kris Holden-Ried (Dyson). And then there was her dead-pan response of “Me” to the question, “What is it about Lost Girl that has this kind of universal appeal?” And when talking about how the Bo-Lauren relationship was portrayed she said it was important that “it wasn’t just, like, two chicks getting it on – which I hope you enjoy.” (See the whole panel here.) With any luck once the show premieres on Canada’s Showcase this Sunday we’ll begin to see more of that side of her in Lauren, as the producers has promised to peel back a few layers of the enigmatic Dr. Lewis this season. If we’re even luckier, the writers will make good on the promise of the “Lost Girl” season 2 promo posters that tout Lauren as “The Lover.” Oh Canada, bring on the Doccubus. Happy weekend, all.