We are a family that loves to snack, but not only do we love to snack, we love supporting FABULOUS causes as well. Get ready, cause I'm going to tell you about one that is totally a WIN-WIN situation. Not only will you be helping make a difference with a fabulous foundation, but also be buying a product your whole family will enjoy snacking on.
I'm obviously (if you watched the video) talking about Pretzel Crisps from SNACK FACTORY!
We received a package with an assortment of flavors for our family to try and I was delighted by these baked snacks. Not only because they are low calorie (somewhat) & absolutely delicious, but also because they are NUT FREE, which makes them the perfect snack to pack for my kids, to send to school.
These crunchy, cracker like pretzels are perfect for dipping and even great eating by themselves.
There are so many assortments to choose from, everyone in your family is bound to find a flavor they love.
My kids love them!
Plus, when you buy the specially marked packages, a portion of your purchase goes to the Susan G. Komen foundation to fight breast cancer.
So be on the lookout, pick up a specially marked package of PRETZEL CRISPS for your family to snack on and know you're helping FIGHT breast cancer...through the Susan G. Komen Foundation!
I was not paid to feature this post! I was compensated only by the products sent for review/feature.