From: bham Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 Subject: EXAMPLE OF WHAT......STUPIDITY IS? (YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS!)
How absolutely stupid it is!!!!!! This should not only be stopped -it should never have begun!!!! This video will either make you laugh or cry at the stupidity of all our lawmakers. Please watch and wonder how many other "projects like this are going on". I know if we cut this one no one would suffer & we could save more than a billion dollars over the lifetime of it. (YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS!)
Here is another glaring example of why this government is dysfunctional!
See Diane Sawyer's report after brief commercial. If you didn't see this on your local news, take 3 minutes to watch it. It's unbelievable that this could be going on, and on, and on, when our country is getting deeper in the hole! Maybe its time to speak up to our congressmen. Click below to see the news report:
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